FLIm - Ultrasound

Intravascular FLIm-IVUS system. 

The ability of FLIm to provide biochemical characterization of the surface of tissue/samples benefits from the combination with an imaging modality able to provide structural information, such as ultrasound.

Our group developed multiple implementations of FLIm-ultrasound combination for cardiovascular imaging and tissue engineering, including an intravascular FLIm-IVUS catheter system suitable for the interrogation of coronary arteries in vivo. 

Currently, our group has redirected its efforts towards the combination of FLIm and OCT, due to advantages in terms of packaging and data registration of full-optical multimodal systems, but ultrasound is still compelling for applications where high penetration depth (>2mm) is required.



Boston Scientific



NIH (National Institutes of Health): R01 HL067377



US20190374195A1: Single catheter system that provides both intravascular ultrasound and fluorescence lifetime imaging

US20200275828A1: Broadband, freeform focusing micro optics for side-viewing imaging catheters


J. Bec, J. E. Phipps, D. Gorpas, D. Ma, H. Fatakdawala, K. B. Margulies, J. A. Southard, and L. Marcu, "In vivo label-free structural and biochemical imaging of coronary arteries using an integrated ultrasound and multispectral fluorescence lifetime catheter system," Sci Rep 7, 8960 (2017).
H. Fatakdawala, D. Gorpas, J. W. Bishop, J. Bec, D. Ma, J. A. Southard, K. B. Margulies, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Combined with Conventional Intravascular Ultrasound for Enhanced Assessment of Atherosclerotic Plaques: an Ex Vivo Study in Human Coronary Arteries," J Cardiovasc Transl Res 8, 253-263 (2015).
D. Gorpas, H. Fatakdawala, J. Bec, D. Ma, D.R. Yankelevich, J. Qi, L. Marcu, “Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: Co-registration Study using ex vivo Human Coronaries”, Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on , vol.34, no.1, pp.156,166, (2015)
H. Fatakdawala, L. G. Griffiths, S. Humphrey, and L. Marcu, "Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrasound backscatter microscopy for nondestructive evaluation of vascular grafts," J Biomed Opt 19, 080503 (2014).
M. Lam, A. J. Chaudhari, Y. Sun, F. Zhou, A. Dobbie, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, S. P. Tinling, D. G. Farwell, W. L. Monsky, K. K. Shung, and L. Marcu, "Ultrasound backscatter microscopy for imaging of oral carcinoma," J Ultrasound Med 32, 1789-1797 (2013).
H. Fatakdawala, S. Poti, F. Zhou, Y. Sun, J. Bec, J. Liu, D. R. Yankelevich, S. P. Tinling, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Multimodal in vivo imaging of oral cancer using fluorescence lifetime, photoacoustic and ultrasound techniques," Biomed Opt Express 4, 1724-1741 (2013).
 J. Bec, D. Ma, D. Yankelevich, J. Liu, W. Ferrier, J. Southard, L. Marcu. “Multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging system for intravascular diagnostics with ultrasound guidance: in vivo validation in swine arteries.” Journal of Biophotonics, 1864-0648, (2013).